Perennial ryegrass was conserved by ensiling, or by dehydration, grinding and pelleting. the two resultant feeds were given ad lib. to wether sheep, either separately or in different proportions. Pellets were consumed in greater quantities than the silage, but were lower in digestibility. There was a rectilinear relationship between the percentage of pellets in the ration consumed and organic‐matter digestibility, but a curvilinear relationship between the percentage of pellets and organic‐matter intake. Silage intake was little affected by the feeding of pellets until more than 40% of the ration consisted of pellets. The increase in total intake with an increase in pellets above 60% was small, with the result that intake of digestible organic matter was highest when 65% pellets was fed. the results suggest that dried‐grass pellets may be a useful supplement for silage rations.