Quantitative immunocytochemical localization of Na+,K+-ATPase alpha-subunit in the lateral wall of rat cochlear duct.

Ultrastructural localization of the alpha-subunit of Na+,K+-ATPase on the lateral wall of rat cochlear duct was investigated quantitatively by the protein A-gold method, using affinity-purified antibody against the alpha-subunit of rat kidney Na+,K+-ATPase. In the stria vascularis, gold particles were sparse over the endolymphatic luminal surface of the marginal cells but were numerous over the basolateral membrane. The labeling density of the basolateral membrane was almost equal to that of the same domain of the distal tubule cells of kidney. The intermediate cells were studded with a large number of gold particles on the plasma membrane domain facing the basolateral domain of the marginal cells. On the luminal surfaces of the other epithelial cells, including those of Reissner's membrane, no significant amount of gold particles was found. Many gold particles were localized on all the plasma membranes of the spiral prominence stromal cells and on the intracellular membrane domain of the external sulcus cells.