For pt.II see ibid., vol.27, no.8, p.1003-13, 1982. Values are given of the average energy required to produce an ion pair, Wn, and of the dose conversion factor, r, for tissue-equivalent chambers filled with either tissue-equivalent gas or air, irradiated by neutrons. The model for finite spherical cavities previously presented in part I was used for the calculations, which employed the W values and stopping powers of the charged particles produced in the materials described in part II. Neutron energies ranging from 0.4 to 14 MeV were considered: many of these energies were chosen because of their particularly large or small total cross-sections in order to explore the range of fluctuations of r and Wn. The results are therefore not very suitable for spectral averaging. Cavity sizes ranging from the infinitesimal Bragg-Gray to the infinite cavity were studied. It was found that the changes of r with cavity size and with neutron energy are smaller for the TE-TE chamber than for the TE-air chamber, but for Wn they are about equal; the TE-TE chamber should therefore be considered the ionisation chamber of choice but absolute doses cannot be determined with it to better than +or-8%.