Spin and charge excitations in optimally dopedBi2Sr2CaCu2O8δ

We present Raman spectra of low- and high-energy charge and spin excitations in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8δ single crystals with an optimized critical temperature of 95 K. The prominent feature of the high-energy background at around 250 meV is a rearrangement of spectral weight in B1g and A1g+B2g symmetry below the critical temperature, similar to the observations in underdoped and optimally doped Y1xPrxBa2Cu3O7δ compounds. The B1g spectra can be attributed to magnetic scattering and exhibit below the critical temperature an increase of scattering intensity indicating an enhanced magnetic coherence in the superconducting state. Scattering in A1g geometry reflects more incoherent electronic contributions. There, we observe a decrease of scattering intensity for energies around 120 meV similar to the observations made in superconductor-insulator-superconductor tunneling spectroscopy or at half that energy with superconductor-insulator-normal tunneling spectroscopy and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. The resonance enhancement of the rearrangement is rather strong with a maximum above 2.71 eV laser-excitation energy. In the low-energy region, which is influenced by the effects at higher energies, a gap feature in B1g symmetry is observed yielding a value for the magnitude of the superconducting order parameter of Δ=34 meV. This gap feature is influenced by the orthorhombicity of the crystals and except for a small loss of spectral weight below 25 meV, no gap feature is visible in A1g scattering geometry. Our experimental results raise questions about the applicability of the conventional theories for the electronic Raman scattering of the cuprate superconductors, which neglect the interplay between low- and high-energy excitations.