Group Decision Support: The Effects of Designated Human Leaders and Statistical Feedback in Computerized Conferences

Twenty-four groups of five professionals and managers used computer conferences to reach agreement on the best solution to a complex ranking problem. Two software tools for structuring the conferences were employed in a two-by-two factorial design. Groups with “designated leadership” (DL) used software support. to elect a discussion leader. Groups with “statistical feedback” (SF) were presented with tables periodicall y that displayed the mean rank and degree of conse~sus for each Item. DL improved levels of consensus; in the absence of a leader, SF:improve level of agreement slightly. Statistical feedback as operationalized in this experiment was detrimental to the ability of a group to achieve collective mtelhgence, defmed as a group decision better than the prediscussion decision of any of its individual members. Characteristics of the individuals and groups were also associated with vanattons in outcomes.

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