Glycoproteins Released by Leishmania donovani: Immunologic Relationships with Host and Bacterial Antigens and Preliminary Biochemical Analysis*

The antigenically active glycoproteins (AAGP) released by L. donovani strain 3S promastigotes into growth media and by amastigotes of this strain into the tissues, e.g., blood, of infected hamsters consisted of 6-7 antigenically distinct components. The antigenic activity of these glycoproteins was resistant to freeze-thawing, protease treatment, and purification by column chromatography using Sephadex G-100. This activity was destroyed by Na periodate and altered by boiling; AAGP adhered firmly to Amicon filter (UM2). The antigenically active substances absorbed UV at 230, 260 and 280 nm and gave positive Folin phenol, phenol sulfuric acid and orcinol reactions. In gel diffusion, the component glycoproteins formed lines with concanavalin A and gave reactions of identity and partial identity with human red cells and Mycobacterium butyricum. The possible involvement of the antigenically active glycoproteins in pathogensis of kala azar is discussed.