Pressure dependence of the Fermi surface of paramagnetic chromium

The pressure dependence of the Fermi surface and wave vector of the spin-density wave of chromium has been studied with the use of an accurate Slater-Koster fit to a self-consistent band-structure calculation for paramagnetic chromium. The band structure at reduced lattice constant was obtained by the scaling of the two-center parameters in the Slater-Koster Hamiltonian. While the pressure derivative of the spin-density wave vector is in agreement with de Haas—van Alphen experiments, the reported disappearance of the spin-density wave at 0.5% reduction in lattice volume cannot be explained as a loss of nesting or by large changes in composition of states on the Fermi surface. The pressure derivative computed for the extremal cross-sectional area of the hole ellipsoid around the point N agrees in sign with one measurement, but has a magnitude closer to another measurement. Further study is needed to explain the apparent contradictions of the pressure experiments on chromium.

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