Lifetime measurements of the7plevels of atomic francium

We present lifetime measurements of the 7p2P3/2 and 7p2P1/2 levels of Fr. We use a time-correlated single-photon counting technique on a cold sample of 210Fr atoms in a magneto-optic trap. We excite the atoms with the trapping and repumping beams of the magneto-optic trap and detect the decay of the atomic fluorescence. The results are a precision experimental test of the atomic many-body perturbation theory applied to the heaviest alkali metal. The lifetime results are 21.02(11) ns and 29.45(11) ns for the 7p2P3/2 and 7p2P1/2 levels, respectively. This gives a line strength ratio S1/2/S3/2 of 0.526(3) for these levels in Fr. To study sources of systematic errors we measure the lifetimes of 5p2P3/2 and 5p2P1/2 in stable 87Rb and obtain 26.20(9) ns and 27.64(4) ns, respectively.