The generic name Endophragmia Duvernoy et Maire is considered untenable for more than 30 species that have been included in it. In many of these species conidia secede rhexolytically. and percurrent proliferations arise from the penultimate cell of the conidiophore and of the successive proliferations: most of these particular species are transferred to Endophragmiella Sutton. Two species described in Endophragmiella are excluded from this genus and two new species described. Several species of “Endophragmia” are included in or transferred to Sporidesmium, Phragmocephala, Acremoniula, Paradendryphiopsis, and a new genus Melanocephala. Brief accounts are presented on other fonn genera with Endophragmiella-like proliferations after rhexolytic conidium secession, namely Teratosperma, Arachnophora, Acrophragmis, Chaetendophragmia, and Uberispora. Brief notes are also given on genera which, for various reasons, are involved in the redispositions of species assigned to Endophragmia, namely Domingoella, Hadrosporium, Brachysporiella (syn. Edmundmasonia). Monotosporella, Acrodictys, Phragmospathula, and Acrogenospora.