Time trends in cancer incidence and mortality in central Italy

Time trends in cancer incidence and mortality represent an essential tool for monitoring the changes in population lifestyle and in the environmental risks and the effectiveness of the health system on cancer control in a specific area. During 1985–1997 82 506 malignant tumours were diagnosed in the Tuscany Cancer Registry, central Italy (about 1 200 000 inhabitants) and 54 979 cancer deaths registered in the period 1985–1999 by the Regional Mortality Registry were analysed. A statistically significant decrease in incidence was evidenced for stomach and gallbladder in both sexes, and for oesophagus, larynx and lung among males. Significant increases were documented for melanomas of the skin, kidney and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in both sexes for colon, prostate and Kaposi's sarcoma among males and for breast, thyroid and multiple myeloma among females. Mortality decreased significantly for stomach and thyroid in both sexes and for oral cavity and pharynx, oesophagus, rectum, larynx, lung, bone, prostate, testis and Hodgkin's disease among males and colon, gallbladder and breast among females. Mortality increased for soft tissue, brain and multiple myeloma. In conclusion, most of these data can be explained as the effect of the modifications that occurred in smoking habits between the sexes and as the consequence of the primary and secondary prevention activities that are ongoing in the area.