Stimulation of thrombopoiesis in mice by human recombinant interleukin 6.

To date, testing of various cytokines for the stimulation of blood cell production has not demonstrated a consistent effect on peripheral platelet levels. In this report, we provide evidence that human recombinant IL-6 increased platelet production in mice, as measured by both peripheral platelet levels and [75Se]selenomethionine (75SeM) incorporation into newly forming platelets. Peripheral white blood cell counts also were increased, but only to a modest extent, and hematocrit values were unchanged. A dose-response relationship between the amount of IL-6 administered and platelet count, 75SeM incorporation, and white blood cell count was demonstrated. Detectable megakaryocyte and granulocyte-macrophage colony-forming cells in mice that had received IL-6 also were increased in both bone marrow and spleen. These results demonstrate the ability of a purified, recombinant protein to stimulate platelet production in vivo.