Selection of patients and Operative Approach in Primay Aldosteronism

A system for discriminating between adrenal adenoma and hyperplasia based on the levels of aldosterone production, plasma renin concentration, severity of electrolyte disturbances, plasma aldosterone patterns during recumbency and after assuming erect posture, and 131I-19-iodocholesterol scan has been developed. Indicated for operation are patients with adenomas whose elevated blood pressure cannot be continuously controlled with usual doses of medication and patients with documented deterioration of target organ function. Adrenalectomy has been performed 83 times in 81 patients with a diagnosis of primary hyperaldosteronism. Results of excision of adrenal adenomas have been excellent with significant lowering of blood pressure in all cases and cure of hypertension in over 60%. Results of total or subtotal adrenalectomy for hyperplasia have been poor with almost all patients still requiring medication for hypertension. Adenomas have always been unilateral, and usually can be localized so that unilateral exploration is curative. Therefore, we have tried to distinguish preoperatively between adenoma and hyperplasia. Anterior transperitoneal adrenalectomy has been effective with few complications, and no postoperative hypercortisolism after unilateral adrenalectomy for adenoma. The unilateral extraperitoneal approach gives shorter morbidity and potentially fewer serious complications.