Fine Mapping of Milk Production QTL on BTA6 by Combined Linkage and Linkage Disequilibrium Analysis

Combined linkage and linkage disequilibrium analysis were used to refine the position of a previously detected QTL affecting milk production traits on bovine chromosome 6. Through a series of single- and multitrait and single- and multipoint QTL analyses, the QTL could be positioned to a 7.5-cM interval surrounded by the markers BMS2508 and FBN12. The most significant results were found for fat percentage and protein percentage. This effect seemed to be caused by a QTL allele embedded in one specific marker haplotype that caused a reduction in fat and protein yields and a concomitant increase of milk yield, thus resulting in a marked reduction of fat and protein percentages.
Funding Information
  • Council of Norway
  • Geno Breeding
  • A. I. Association