Genome-wide search for sarcoidosis susceptibility genes in African Americans

Sarcoidosis, a systemic granulomatous disease of unknown etiology, likely results from an environmental insult in a genetically susceptible host. In the US, African Americans are more commonly affected with sarcoidosis and suffer greater morbidity than Caucasians. We searched for sarcoidosis susceptibility loci by conducting a genome-wide, sib pair multipoint linkage analysis in 229 African-American families ascertained through two or more sibs with a history of sarcoidosis. Using the Haseman–Elston regression technique, linkage peaks with P-values less than 0.05 were identified on chromosomes 1p22, 2p25, 5p15-13, 5q11, 5q35, 9q34, 11p15 and 20q13 with the most prominent peak at D5S2500 on chromosome 5q11 (P=0.0005). We found agreement for linkage with the previously reported genome scan of a German population at chromosomes 1p and 9q. Based on the multiple suggestive regions for linkage found in our study population, it is likely that more than one gene influences sarcoidosis susceptibility in African Americans. Fine mapping of the linked regions, particularly on chromosome 5q, should help to refine linkage signals and guide further sarcoidosis candidate gene investigation.