Genetic variation detected by use of the M13 “DNA fingerprint” probe in Malus, Prunus, and Rubus (Rosaceae)

Recently, “DNA fingerprints” have been reported in a wide array of organisms. We used the M13 repeat probe on several genera and species in the angiosperm family Rosaceae. Four apple cultivars could be differentiated when any one of five restriction enzymes was used to analyze minisatellite DNA. Similarly, four individual trees of Prunus serotina (black cherry) exhibited different “fingerprints” with each of four enyzmes. A total of 14 Rubus (blackberries and raspberries) plants representing four species were investigated with two enzymes. Extensive inter-and intraspecific variation was found. However, some closely growing plants had identical “fingerprints”, probably due to their being derived through vegetative propagation.