Combined C-11 Methionine and F-18 FDG PET Imaging in a Case of Neurosarcoidosis

PET scanning of the brain with F-18 FDG and C-11 methionine (MET) is useful for characterizing brain lesions discovered at MRI or CT. Most positive PET scans indicate malignancy. However, this case report demonstrates positive F-18 FDG and C-11 MET PET scans in a patient with a nonmalignant condition, neurosarcoidosis. We detail the history and evaluation of a 59-year-old woman who presented with ataxia. The patient's evaluation included a contrast-enhanced MRI followed by PET scanning of the brain with C-11 MET and of the brain and trunk with F-18 FDG. The patient subsequently underwent biopsy of a lesion as directed by MRI and PET. The MRI demonstrated multiple enhancing leptomeningeal lesions consistent with metastatic disease. PET with F-18 FDG and C-11 MET demonstrated lesions in both cerebellar hemispheres with F-18 FDG accumulation in the mediastinum and left hilum. Biopsy of a brain lesion directed by MRI and PET revealed sarcoidosis. In evaluating brain lesions, PET with F-18 FDG and C-11 MET can help localize the lesion best suited for biopsy. However, not all lesions that have increased uptake on C-11 MET or F-18 FDG PET are malignant. Granulomatous inflammatory diseases such as neurosarcoidosis should also be considered in the differential diagnosis.