A Therapeutic Approach to Early Vocal Cord Carcinoma

One hundred and twenty patients with early glottic carcinoma received radiation therapy at the University of Maryland Hospital from 1959 to 1977. The radiation dose ranged from 55 Gy in 4 weeks for small Tla lesions to 65 Gy in 61/2 weeks for T2 lesions. The local control rates by irradiation alone for stages Tla, Tlb, and T2 were 92, 91 and 88 per cent, respectively, while 5-year determinate disease-free survival rates were 96 per cent for stage I disease and 88 per cent for stage II disease. Most of the local failures were salvaged by surgery, with a low complication rate. Regional metastases were uncommon, and occurred in 7 per cent in stage I and in 6 per cent in stage II disease. Factors increasing the risk of failures appeared to be bulky tumor, anterior commissure involvement and subglottic extension.