Discrete dislocation plasticity: a simple planar model

A method for solving small-strain plasticity problems with plastic flow represented by the collective motion of a large number of discrete dislocations is presented. The dislocations are modelled as line defects in a linear elastic medium. At each instant, superposition is used to represent the solution in terms of the infinite-medium solution for the discrete dislocations and a complementary solution that enforces the boundary conditions on the finite body. The complementary solution is nonsingular and is obtained from a finite-element solution of a linear elastic boundary value problem. The lattice resistance to dislocation motion, dislocation nucleation and annihilation are incorporated into the formulation through a set of constitutive rules. Obstacles leading to possible dislocation pile-ups are also accounted for. The deformation history is calculated in a linear incremental manner. Plane-strain boundary value problems are solved for a solid having edge dislocations on parallel slip planes. Monophase and composite materials subject to simple shear parallel to the slip plane are analysed. Typically, a peak in the shear stress versus shear strain curve is found, after which the stress falls to a plateau at which the material deforms steadily. The plateau is associated with the localization of dislocation activity on more or less isolated systems. The results for composite materials are compared with solutions for a phenomenological continuum slip characterization of plastic flow.