Effect of flow direction on collateral ventilation in excised dog lung lobes

We determined the effect of flow direction on the relationship between driving pressure and gas flow through a collaterally ventilating lung segment in excised cranial and caudal dog lung lobes. He, N2, and SF6 were passed through the lung segment distal to a catheter wedged in a peripheral airway. Gases were pushed through the segment by raising segment pressure (Ps) relative to airway opening pressure (Pao) and pulled from the segment by ventilating the lobe with the test gas, then lowering Ps relative to Pao. Driving pressures (Ps - Pao) between 0.25 and 2 cmH2O were evaluated at Pao values of 5, 10, and 15 cmH2O. Results were similar in cranial and caudal lobes. Flow increased as Ps - Pao increased and was greatest at Pao = 15 cmH2O for the least-dense gas (He). Although flow direction was not a significant first-order effect, there was significant interaction between volume, driving pressure, and flow direction. Dimensional analysis suggested that, although flow direction had no effect at Pao = 10 and 15 cmH2O, at Pao = 5 cmH2O, raising Ps relative to Pao increased the characteristic dimension of the flow pathways, and reducing Ps relative to Pao reduced the dimension. These data suggest that at large lobe volumes, airways (including collateral pathways) within the segment are maximally dilated and the stiffness of the parenchyma prevents any significant distortion when Ps is altered. At low lobe volumes, these pathways are affected by changes in transmural pressure due to the increased airway and parenchymal compliance.