Ovarian Stimulation with Human Menopausal and Chorionic Gonadotropins in a Prepubertal Hypophysectomized Female1

A 15-yr-old girl with panhypopituitarism, and complete infantilism, was treated with a human menopausal gonadotropin preparation (Pergonal) alone, and in combination with HCG. From the responses obtained the following conclusions have been drawn. 1) Ovulation can be rapidly induced in completely immature human ovaries by the administration of exogenous human gonadotropin, and a functional corpus luteum can be established which continues to secrete estrogen and progesterone for 2 weeks after the gonadotropic stimulus is withdrawn. 2) The rapidity with which immature ovaries are able to achieve functional maturity following intensive short-term gonadotropic stimulation would suggest that the association is a quantitative one, and that the onset of normal puberty is related less to gonadal factors than to the amount of gonadotropin secreted by the pituitary.