Klinische Relevanz der immunchemischen Bestimmung der Pankreas-Lipase bei chronischer Pankreatitis

The determination of basal pancreatic serum enzymes is of little value in the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis. The organ specificity of a recently introduced immunochemical method of determining pancreatic lipase is guaranteed. The diagnostic value of the basal and stimulated serumlipase determination by the immunochemical assay in chronic pancreatitis was investigated on 84 patients and controls. In 46 patients with chronic pancreatitis the serum increase of pancreatic lipase after secretin stimulation (1 U/kg) was significantly (PP<0.01) from patients with severe exocrine insufficiency who exhibit an increase of the pancreatic serum lipase only in exceptional cases. Specificity is limited, since an abnormal serum lipase increase after stimulation is found in 20% of controls.