From the CKM matrix to the Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata matrix: A model based on supersymmetricSO(10)×U(2)Fsymmetry

We construct a realistic model based on SUSY SO(10) with U(2) flavor symmetry. In contrast with the commonly used effective operator approach, 126-dimensional Higgs fields are used to construct the Yukawa sector. R-parity symmetry is thus preserved at low energies. The Dirac and right-handed Majorana mass matrices in our model have very small mixings and they combine with the seesaw mechanism resulting in large leptonic mixing. The symmetric mass textures arising from the left-right symmetry breaking chain of SO(10) give rise to very good predictions; 15 masses (including three right-handed Majorana neutrino masses) and six mixing angles are predicted by 11 parameters. Both the vacuum oscillation and LOW solutions are favored for the solar neutrino problem.