Cryptochrome, Phytochrome, and Anthocyanin Production

Anthocyanin production in cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) seedlings exposed to prolonged irradiations was studied under conditions that allowed discrimination, within certain limits, between the contribution of cryptochrome and phytochrome in the photoregulation of the response. The results of the study provide confirming evidence for the involvement of cryptochrome and direct evidence for a significant contribution of cryptochrome to the fluence rate dependence of the response to blue. The results provide some preliminary, direct indication for an interaction between cryptochrome and phytochrome in the photoregulation of anthocyanin production in seedlings exposed to the prolonged irradiations required for a high level of expression of the response. The type and degree of interaction between the two photoreceptors vary significantly, depending on the species and experimental conditions.