Multiple internal reflection poly(dimethylsiloxane) systems for optical sensing

Compact poly(dimethylsiloxane)-based (PDMS) multiple internal reflection systems which comprise self-alignment systems, lenses, microfluidic channels and mirrors have been developed for highly sensitive absorbance measurements. With the proper definition of air mirrors at both sides of the sensing region, the optical path of the light from the LED has been meaningfully lengthened without a dramatic increase of the mean flow cell volume. By recursive positioning of such air mirrors, propagating multiple internal reflection (PMIR) systems have been designed, simulated and characterized. Experimental results confirm the ray-tracing predictions and allow the determining that there are some regions of the mean flow cell volume that do not contribute to the increase of the sensitivity. The tailoring of the sensing region, following the optical path, results in a similar limit of detection (110 nM) for fluorescein diluted in phosphate buffer. Finally, a ring configuration, labelled RMIR, has also been developed. With the addition of a third air mirror, the LOD can be decreased to 41 nM with the additional advantage of a substantial decrease of the length of the sensing region. These results confirm the validity of the proposed systems for high sensitivity measurements.