Cabibbo-allowed nonleptonic weak decays of charmed baryons

Cabibbo-allowed nonleptonic weak decays of charmed baryons Λc+, Ξc0A, Ξc+A, and Ωc0 into an octet baryon and a pseudoscalar meson are analyzed. The nonfactorizable contributions are evaluated under the pole approximation, and it turns out that the s-wave amplitudes are dominated by the low-lying 1/2 resonances, while p-wave ones are governed by the ground state 1/2+ poles. The MIT bag model is employed to calculate the coupling constants, form factors, and baryon matrix elements. Our conclusions are the following: (i) s waves are no longer dominated by commutator terms; the current-algebra method is not applicable to parity-violating amplitudes. (ii) Nonfactorizable W-exchange effects are generally important; they can be comparable to and sometimes even dominate over factorizable contributions, depending on the decay modes under consideration. (iii) The large-Nc approximation for factorizable amplitudes also works in the heavy baryon sector and it accounts for the color nonsuppression of Λc+pK¯0 relative to Λc+→Λπ+. (iv) A measurement of the decay rate and the sign of the α asymmetry parameter of certain proposed decay modes will help discern various models. (v) p waves are the dominant contributions to the decays Λc+Ξ0 K+ and Ξc0AΣ+ K, but they are subject to a large cancellation; this renders present theoretical predictions on these two channels unreliable.
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