Correlation of radiological features to failure of lumbar intervertebral disc chemonucleolysis

✓ Chemonucleolysis was performed in 103 patients for lumbar disc prolapse. Multiple (two) interspaces were injected in only seven patients. Radiographically, all patients had myelographic or computerized tomography evidence of disc prolapse. Eighty-seven of 100 patients who were available for follow-up review had improved. Ten of 13 patients with persistent symptoms required a laminectomy. Altered spinal alignment was evident in five of the 13 patients with persistent symptoms: retrolisthesis in three and myelographic disc defect on the convex aspect of the scoliosis in two. Review of radiographic studies was carried out in an attempt to establish guidelines for patient selection so as to decrease the rate of failure in chymopapain treatment.