Life history studies of the cactus mealybug,Spilococcus cactearumMcKenzie (Homoptera: Coccoidea: Pseudococcidae)

This paper presents the 1st complete study of the life history, chromosomes, and general habits of the cactus mealybug, and contains the 1st published description of the male. Life stages are described in detail for both sexes, covering their structures and habits. Laboratory-rearing experiments were conducted in a glasshouse, at several constant temperatures, to determine the optimum range for maximum survival and colonization, and the lethal lower and higher temperatures. Reproduction, sex ratio, and mating behavior are described. It was learned that parthenogenesis does not occur; fertilization by the male is essential. Feeding habits are given, together with reactions to various host species. More than 100 acceptable host plants are listed, mostly cacti. One natural enemy was noted-a minute, wasp-like, encyrtid parasite that gave effective control.