Distribution of coenzyme F420 and properties of its hydrolytic fragments

The ability of hydrolytic products of coenzyme F420 to substitute for F420 in the hydrogenase and NADP-linked hydrogenase systems of Methanobacterium strain M.o.H. was kinetically determined. The NADP-linked hydrogenase systems was employed to quantitate the levels of F420 in a number of methanogenic bacteria and in some nonmethanogens. M. ruminantium and Methanosarcina barkeri contained low levels of F420, whereas other methanogens tested contained high levels (100-400 mg/kg of cells). F420 from 6 of the 7 methanogens was tested by thin-layer electrophoresis and was electophoretically identical to that purified from Methanobacterium strain M.o.H. The only exception was M. barkeri, which contained a more electronegative derivative of F420. Acetobacterium woodii, Escherichia coli and yeast extract contained no compounds capable of substituting for F420 in the NADP-linked hydrogenase system.