Very low versus undetectable maternal serum alpha‐fetoprotein values and fetal death

Very low maternal serum alpha‐fetoprotein (MSAFP) levels (<10 ng/mL) are known to be associated with non‐viable pregnancies, including conditions such as fetal death, molar pregnancies, and non‐pregnancies. There has not been agreement, however, as to whether very low MSAFP levels indicate already existing fetal deaths or are actually predictive. We analysed 230 pregnancies with MSAFP levels <10 ng/mL from among 15 807 women (1.5 per cent) screened consecutively during a three‐year period and identified 26 non‐viable pregnancies, 22 of which were diagnosed sonographically as part of the screening process (17 missed abortions, 3 blighted ova, 2 non‐pregnancies). Furthermore, 20 of these 22 pregnancies were associated with essentially undetectable MSAFP levels (<5 ng/mL). Our data indicate that pregnancies with MSAFP values <5 ng/mL are the group most strongly associated with fetal non‐viability and that very low MSAFP values are not strongly predictive for fetal death.