Sphingomonas herbicidovorans MH (previously designated Flavobacterium sp. strain MH) was able to utilize the chiral herbicide (RS)-2-(4-chloro-2-methylphenoxy)propionic acid (mecoprop) as the sole carbon and energy source. When strain MH was offered racemic mecoprop as the growth substrate, it could degrade both the (R) and the (S) enantiomer to completion, as shown by biomass formation, substrate consumption, and stoichiometric chloride release. However, the (S) enantiomer disappeared much faster from the culture medium than the (R) enantiomer. These results suggest the involvement of specific enzymes for the degradation of each enantiomer. This view was substantiated by the fact that resting cells of strain MH grown on (S)-mecoprop were able to degrade the (S) but not the (R) enantiomer of mecoprop. Accordingly, resting cells of strain MH grown on (R)-mecoprop preferentially metabolized the (R) enantiomer. Nevertheless, such cells could transform (S)-mecoprop at low rates. Oxygen uptake rates with resting cells confirmed the above view, as oxygen consumption was strongly dependent on the growth substrate. Cells grown on (R)-mecoprop showed oxygen uptake rates more than two times higher upon incubation with the (R) than upon incubation with the (S) enantiomer and vice versa.