Alimentary tracts of the five common hakes of the Scotian shelf (Urophycis chuss, Urophycis tenuis, Phycis chesteri, Merluccius bilinearis, Merluccius albida) were examined for helminth parasites. A total of 29 species was found: 17 Digenea, 4 Cestoda, 5 Nematoda, 2 Acanthocephala. The greatest numbers of species were found in the closely associated U. tenuis (25) and U. chuss (19). Phycis chesteri hosted a moderate number (14) but included 3 digeneans that are typical of deep water (Anomalotrema koiae, Lethadena profunda, Paraccacladium jamiesoni) not found in the other hakes. The merlucciids were characterized by low numbers of parasite species, particularly of digeneans, but showed high prevalence of the host-specific cestode Clestobothrium crassiceps. The effects of geographic distribution, fish length, and depth of capture on parasite prevalence were examined for those parasites that were adequately represented. There was little difference in geographical distribution except in the case of C. crassiceps, in which distribution suggested a separate population of M. bilinearis on the Scotian Shelf from that of the Gulf of Maine [USA]. Fish length and depth of capture had little effect on parasite prevalence.