Maximaler Wärmeübergang in Apparaten mit dispersen Zweiphasensystemen

Maximum heat transfer in apparatus containing dispersed two phase systems. The structure of dispersed systems such as fluidized beds, bubble columns, and liquid/liquid spray columns in process apparatus can be either homogeneous or heterogeneous. When calculating heat transfer coefficients between such systems and vertical heat transfer areas it is necessary to know the structure of the bed. In homogeneous systems (for instance fixed beds) a relationship between the heat transfer and a Reynolds number was found. This Reynolds number embodies the volumetric flux density and a suitable hydraulic diameter. In gas fluidized beds with a heterogeneous structure the heat transfer depends on a Péclet number. The characteristic time of this number can be obtained by deviding the particle diameter by the mean rising velocity of gas bubbles. Maximum heat transfer coefficients for homogeneous and heterogeneous and heterogeneous systems can be described in a general way by plotting a Nusselt number versus the product Arp · Prc of the Archimedes number and the Prandtl number. Maximum coefficients are calculable without knowledge of the volumetric flux density. For low values of the product Arp · Prc there is a significant difference between homogeneous and heterogeneous beds.

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