A Method for the Preparation of Undecalcified Bone Sections for Light Microscopy and Microradiography

A method which gives good quality 1-2 μm thick sections of undecaldfied cancellous and thin cortical bones for light miuoscopy is described. Formalin fixed material is dehydrated in graded acetones and embedded in a modiEed formula of Spurr's low viscosity embedding medium. After a 16 hour polymerisation period at 60 C, sections are cut at 1-2 μm thickness on a Porter-Blum JB4A rotary microtome Using glass knives. Sections are attached to clean glass slides with heat, the resin degraded in bromine vapour and removed in acetone. This allows comparative ease of staining. The technique is rapid, does not interfere with tetracycline fluorescence and the same specimens can be used to prepare thick sections for microradiography.