Photodielectric polymer for holographic recording

A novel photodielectric polymer system suitable for recording high resolution volume phase holograms is described. Highly reactive monomers that polymerize rapidly when inserted between two substrates allow for simple and convenient preparation of recording layers ranging from 10 μm to 3 mm. The materials have superior chemical and dimensional stability and have in situ self-developing capabilities. During recording the polymer cross-links in the irradiated regions causing changes in index of refraction. Experimental measurements reveal that the diffraction efficiencies may exceed 90%, that the resolution is in excess of 2000 lines/mm, that the angular selectivity may be as high as several minutes of arc, and that the noise characteristics are comparable to those of high quality photographic emulsions. The hologram formation mechanism along with experimental results of exposure sensitivities, diffraction efficiencies, SNRs, and angular discrimination are presented.