Ab initio folding with all-atom model remains to be a difficult task even for small proteins. In this report, we conducted an accumulated 24 mus simulations on the wild type and two mutants of albumin binding domain (ABD) using the AMBER FF03 all-atom force field and a generalized-Born solvation model. Folding events have been observed in multiple trajectories, and the best folded structures achieved root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of 2.0 A. The folding of this three-helix bundle protein followed a diffusion-collision process, where substantial formation of the individual helices was critical and preceded the global packing. Owing to the difference in the intrinsic helicity, helix I formed faster than the other two helices. The order of the formation of helices II and III varied in different trajectories, indicating heterogeneity of the folding process. The slightly shifted boundaries of the helical segments had direct impact on the global packing, suggesting room for improvement on the simulation force field and solvation model.