Six taxa related to Antithamnion (Ceramiaceae, Ceramiales) are described from the Virgin Islands and other tropical and subtropical areas. The type specimens of A. antillanum Borgesen and Callithamnion Iherminieri Crouan et Crouan [A. Iherminieri Nasr] were examined and compared with newly collected material. These represent 2 separate decumbent species of Antithamnion, the 2nd taxon noteworthy in its production of sporangia that are divided in various numbers (2, 4 or more) and planes (cruciate, zonate) on the same plant. A 3rd species of Antithamnion that resembles these in some respects, but is a larger and erect species, A. ogdeniae sp. nov., is newly described. Two species of Antithamnionella are recognized from the Virgin Islands, A. latiaxis sp. nov. and A. flagellatum comb. nov. [A. flagellatum Borg.]. A. dumontii Dawson from Panama is transferred to Wrangelia following an examination of type and recently collected material and is the 1st recorded decumbent species in this genus [W. dumontii comb. nov. [A. dumontii Dawson]]. These small algae are components of low turf in the tropics and subtropics, frequently occurring on eroded coral, on crustose coralline algae and epiphytic on fleshy algae.