Quantum-confinement-induced Γ→Xtransition in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum films, wires, and dots

Large GaAs domains embedded in an Alx Ga1xAs matrix act as potential wells for both electrons and holes, resulting in a direct band-gap system. When the GaAs domains become small, however, quantum-confinement effects may push the Γ-like conduction-band state localized on GaAs above the X-like conduction-band state of the Alx Ga1xAs alloy, leading to an indirect band-gap system. Using a pseudopotential band-structure method, as well as the conventional one-band effective-mass approximation, we investigate the nature of the direct→indirect (Γ→X) transition in GaAs/Alx Ga1xAs quantum films, wires, and dots. In the case of an isolated GaAs quantum structure embedded in AlAs, we find that the critical size for the onset of the Γ→X transition increases from ∼31 Å in a two-dimensional film through ∼56 Å in a one-dimensional cylindrical wire to ∼80 Å in a zero-dimensional spherical dot. The interaction between GaAs quantum structures tends to reduce the critical size for the Γ→X transition. We further study the effect of the alloy composition on the Γ→X transition, finding that the critical size decreases when the Ga concentration of the alloy increases. In the case of spherical GaAs quantum dots embedded in an Alx Ga1xAs alloy, we show that, as a function of the dot radius and the alloy composition, different alignments of the band-edge states lead to different regimes of the lowest-energy optical transition.