HLA—DR antigens and the rubella‐specific immune response in man

Several genetic markers, HLA—A, B and DR antigens, Gm and Km types, and ABO blood types, were studied on 78 rubella seronegative schoolgirls immunized with “TO336” rubella vaccine. A marked association was found between an HLA haplotype, HLA—Aw24—Bw52—DRHO, and the low antibody responsiveness to rubella virus. The association with the DR antigen was thought to be primary to those with the HLA A or B antigens, suggesting that the gene(s) controlling the low responsiveness to rubella might be located near the HLA—DR locus in the human 6th chromosome. There was no statistically significant association between Gm, Km or ABO blood types and the rubella specific immune responsiveness as far as the primary in vivo antibody response was concerned.