The Impact of Not on Tobacco on Teen Smoking Cessation

This review summarizes end-of-program quit rates from 6 controlled and 10 field-based Not on Tobacco (NOT) evaluations. Approximately 6,130 youth from 5 states and 489 schools participated. Intent-to-treat and compliant quit rates were calculated at 3 months postbaseline (end-of-program). Results from controlled evaluations revealed an aggregate quit rate of 15% and 19%, respectively. The field-based evaluations revealed an aggregate quit rate of 27% and 31%, respectively. NOT youth were two times more likely to quit than comparison youth (OR = 1.94; p = .002; 95% CI 1.267-2.966). This is the first multiyear, multisite review of a teen smoking cessation program reported in the literature and the first longitudinal review of NOT. NOT participants showed consistent, significant positive smoking behavior change across evaluations.