Intractable Watery Diarrhoea, Hypokalaemia, and Achlorhydria Associated with Pancreatic Tumour Containing Gastric Secretory Inhibitor

Gjone, E., Frctheim, B., Nordöy, A., Jacobsen, C. D. & Elgjo, K. 1970. Intractable Watery Diarrhoea, Hypokalaemia, and Achlorhydria Associated with Pancrcatic Tumour containing Gastric Sccretory Inhibitor. Scand. J. Gastroent. 5, 401-408. A 72-year-old patient with a 5-year history of intractable watery diarrhoea is described as having a typical WDHA syndrome. Complete achlorhydria was present while the gastric mucosa was histologically normal. Removal of a pancrcatic tumour restored some gastric acid secretion. Pancreatic exocrine function was low normal as judged from the secretin test. It was suggested that the tumour might possess inhibitory action on gastric secretion, and a gastric secretory inhibitor was demonstrated in extracts from the excised pancrcatic tumour.