A symmetry-breaking term with derivative coupling Tr[(a+bλ8+cλ3)MμMμM+H.c.] originating from the (3,3¯)+(3¯,3) quark mass term is added to the minimal nonlinear meson Lagrangian for a unified description of SU(3)×SU(3) breaking. These effects arise from a rescaling of the meson fields which gives automatically the Kl3 Callan-Treiman relation. SU(3) breaking for fKfπ and fη8fπ is understood to come from the current quark mass ms. Using this result, we find Γ(η2γ)=289±20 eV for θP=10.5°, in good agreement with the measured value 324±50 eV. It is also shown that the K3π slope parameters and relative decay rates are unaffected by this symmetry breaking.

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