Dissociation of P-H, As-H, and Sb-H complexes in n-type Si

Reverse‐bias annealing of P‐H, As‐H, and Sb‐H pairs in hydrogenated Schottky diodes was used to establish the dissociation energies of these complexes. The annealing kinetics are found to be first order, with the dissociation frequencies thermally activated of the form ν=ν0eED/kT. The dissociation energies ED are found to be 1.20±0.05 eV for P‐H, 1.12±0.05 eV for As‐H, and 1.13±0.05 eV for Sb‐H. The relative insensitivity of these values to the actual donor species is consistent with the currently accepted model in which the hydrogen passivates the electrical activity of the donor by attaching to one of the donors Si nearest neighbors at an antibonding interstitial site.