The KOX zinc finger genes: Genome wide mapping of 368 ZNF PAC clones with zinc finger gene clusters predominantly in 23 chromosomal loci are confirmed by human sequences annotated in EnsEMBL

The chromosome locations of 368 human Kruppel-type zinc finger (ZNF) PAC clones were physically mapped by FISH to human chromosomes in support of recent efforts of assigning KOX cDNAs (KOX1–KOX32) to zinc finger gene clusters. Recent mapping results were validated and confirmed by sequence comparisons to zinc finger gene sequences automatically annotated in EnsEMBL. In toto, 799 Kruppel-type zinc finger genes have been annotated in EnsEMBL of which 290 genes are found to encode KRAB domains. Sequence homologies of the zinc finger domains were used to establish phylogenic trees of KOX zinc finger genes as well as of all KRAB containing human zinc finger and KOX genes documenting the evolution of KRAB zinc finger genes late in primate evolution. A list of 368 assigned ZNF PAC clones is available under