Spin-wave dispersion and exchange interactions in Y0.90Tb0.10 and Y0.90Ho0.10 alloys

Neutron inelastic scattering experiments carried out on Y0.90 Tb0.10 and Y0.90 Ho0.10 at 4.7°K show that well-defined spin waves exist in dilute alloys of the heavy rare earths Tb and Ho in yttrium metal. The measured spin-wave dispersion relations are satisfactorily described by a mean-lattice model together with the assumption that the exchange interaction J(q) is related to the conduction-electron susceptibility χ(q) of yttrium and, hence, is common to both alloys. The J(q) function deduced from the data possesses a peak, at the wave vector of the helical magnetic structures of the alloys, that is much larger than those measured for the pure rare-earth metals. This result is consistent with theoretical calculations of χ(q) by Liu, Gupta, and Sinha from the electronic energy bands for yttrium and with measurements of the magnetic structures of yttrium-rare-earth alloys as a function of composition and applied magnetic field.