Effect of Sodium Erythorbate on Residual Nitrite, pH and Bacterial Growth in Liver Sausage Formulated with Different Levels of Mechanically Separated Pork

Some microbiological, chemical, and physical characteristics of liver sausage formulated with 0, 25, 50, and 75% mechanically separated pork (MSP), 156 ppm sodium nitrite and 0 or 550 ppm sodium erythorbate were studied during refrigerated storage (5°C, 6 days) and subsequent elevated‐temperature holding (20–24°C, 48 hr). Growth of inoculatedClostridium sporogeneswas inhibited by 156 ppm nitrite in all sausages even after 48 hr at 20–24°C, regardless of MSP level. Growth of aerobic mesophiles and facultative anaerobes at 20–24°C was also inhibited in sausage formulated with 156 ppm nitrite and 550 ppm erythorbate. Erythorbate addition and increased MSP levels resulted in higher Hunter a color values. Residual nitrite, pH values, and total iron content of liver sausage increased with increasing MSP content.