Telomeres inhibit end to end fusion and enhance maintenance of linear DNA molecules injected into theParamecium primaureliamacronucleus

Direct injection into the macronucleus of Paramecium tetraurelia of DNA molecules coding for the A-antigen leads to expression of the gene and autonomous replication. When injected into Paramecium primaurelia DNA from probably any origin, procaryote or eucaryote, can replicate as linear telomerized molecules and the number of copies maintained can be very high (up to 20000 copies). We present here evidence that if the injected linear DNA molecules harbour preexisting telomeres at both extremities they are protected from degradation, the number of DNA molecules maintained being 15- to 30-fold higher than if the molecules are injected without telomeres. Some of the injected molecules replicate as multimers, but, only when the fused ends are devoid of preexisting telomeric repeats.