A Parallel Miniature Cylindrical Ion Trap Array

A small mass spectrometer array is described in which each element is a cylindrical ion trap (CIT). The array contains four CITs, each having an inner radius of 2.5 mm, arranged in parallel and operated using a single electronics system under common conditions for trapping and mass analysis. By using an array of identically sized traps, higher ion capacity can be achieved than with a single miniature CIT, but the advantage of lower power and voltage requirements associated with the smaller ion trap is maintained. Overall signal intensity of the array of four traps is compared with that of a two-element CIT array to demonstrate the increased ion capacity of larger arrays. Resolution for m-dichlorobenzene is shown to be ∼180 (full width at half-maximum), with no significant loss in resolution as a result of using multiple CITs. The detection of 5 × 10-9 Torr partial pressure of krypton in argon with a signal-to-noise ratio of ∼30 for the most abundant isotope is shown, demonstrating the applicability of the device for process gas monitoring. Also, a preliminary spectrum from a 10-CIT array with each element having an inner radius of 1.5 mm is reported.