Fiber-bundle formalism for quantization in curved spaces
- 15 August 1990
- journal article
- research article
- Published by American Physical Society (APS) in Physical Review D
- Vol. 42 (4) , 1152-1158
We set up a geometrical formulation of the canonical quantization of a free Klein-Gordon field on a gravitational background. We introduce the notion of the Bogolubov bundle as the principal fiber bundle over the space of all Cauchy surfaces belonging to some fixed foliation of space-time, with the Bogolubov group as the structure group, as a tool in considering local Bogolubov transformations. Sections of the associated complex structure bundle have the meaning of attaching Hilbert spaces to Cauchy surfaces. We single out, as physical, sections defined by the equation of parallel transport on the Bogolubov bundle. The connection is then subjected to a certain nonlinear differential equation. We find a particular solution, which happens to coincide with a formula given by Parker for Robertson-Walker space-times. Finally, we adopt the adiabatic hypothesis as the physical input to the formalism and fix in this way a free parameter in the connection. Concluding, we comment on a possible geometrical interpretation of the regularization of the stress-energy tensor and on generalization of the formalism toward quantum gravity.Keywords
This publication has 9 references indexed in Scilit:
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