High-quality GaAs/Ga0.49In0.51P superlattices grown on GaAs and silicon substrates by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition

We report the successful growth of Ga0.49 In0.51 P‐GaAs superlattices on GaAs and Si substrates by low‐pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. The high quality of the structure grown on GaAs and silicon substrates has been evidenced by transmission electron microscopy photographs, that show very sharp interfaces between GaAs wells and Ga0.49 In0.51 P barriers, with perfect control of thicknesses and compositions. Classical Hall measurements performed on the sample further demonstrated the presence of a two‐dimensional electron gas with a mobility at T=4 K , μ(4 K)=50 000 cm2 /V/s, and a carrier concentration n(4 K)=2.9×1011 cm2. GaAs/Ga0.49In0.51P superlattices have been used, as well as buffer layer in order to grow GaAs on silicon substrates. Mirrorlike single‐crystal GaAs has thus been obtained. A GaInP/GaAs heterostructure with electron Hall mobility as high as 6000 cm2 /V/s at 300 K and 80 000 cm2/V/s at 4 K has been grown, which is the highest mobility that has yet been reported for these materials.