The frequency-dependent hopping conductivity is calculated for a one-dimensional disordered chain as well as for a cubic percolating network in the presence of a biased electric field. In this biased case, there exists a drift-conducting region at low frequencies crossing over to the diffusive behavior at higher frequencies. Explicit expressions for the conductivity in various regions are presented. In the one-dimensional weak-disordered chain, one finds the leading term of the real (σR) and imaginary (σI) parts of the ac part of the conductivity behave as ω2 and ω, respectively, in the drift region, crossing over to the form in which both σR and σI behave as ω1/2 in the diffusion region. In the three-dimensional cubic percolation model, one obtains an additional anomalous diffusion region corresponding to short-time diffusion behavior on percolating clusters. One obtains σR=A1 ω2 and σI=B1ω in the lowest-frequency drift region, and σR=A2 ω3/2 and σI=B2ω in the normal diffusion region, while σR=A3 ω1/2 and σI=B3 ω1/2 in the anomalous diffusion region. These coefficients depend on the bias and reduce to the form of Odagaki and Lax in the absence of a bias.